Friday, March 18, 2016

The Lord is MY shepherd...and here I am again!

Here I am again -- staring at this screen, but God is (and has been all year long) telling me to write. To write stories -- true stories of how He is working in my life. And it's a busy life. I've been listing to a lot of things in my car. During this Lent I have given up social media and TV and to be perfectly honest I haven't missed it much. I think that's why I've gotten dialed in to so much media (podcasts, books, etc.) that i can listen to in my car. This is about the only time of day when I'm not technically BUSY. And I KNOW without a doubt that I am going to look back on this Lenten season and remember it. Because I really feel like I have grown. Without the distractions (READ: time wasters) of TV and social media only maybe a few hours of time have passed by when I have accidentally cheated (even God knows I can't go 6 weeks without my beloved Jimmy Fallon), instead of the 5,456,345 that would have passed otherwise.

So what has gotten my attention? Well several things. First, God has put a fire in my heart for His word. I feel lost without seeing something that He is saying to me each and every day. Second, I knew I would need to keep busy so I am involved in not 1 but 2 Bible studies. Both of which are really amazing and teaching me so much. The She Reads Truth Lent study has been my morning quiet time and I have really seen the Bible come alive in new ways. The other study I've been doing at church is Seamless by Angie Smith. This study has been with a group of women at church and has been so refreshing. It's great to be with the body of Christ who love, support, and encourage women.

One big moment happened at the start of my year and it has been such a blessing! Back in January I had the opportunity to visit Passion City Church in Atlanta, GA, while I was in town for work. And all I can say is WOW! What an amazing experience. After parking several blocks away from the church, I began walking with hundreds of other worshipers making their way to the service -- it looked and felt like just a taste of what I imagine getting to heaven will be like. People hurrying to get there, smiling, excited, knowing something great was going to be happening inside. Louie Giglio preached that Sunday morning on Habit, beginning a 7 part series on the subject, which I proceded to follow via podcast and it has truly been life changing. It's wonderful. He also mentioned another sermon series they had done back in the summer called Breath on a Page, and after listening to that series (yet again via podcast...spend a lot of time in the car), I now see the Bible in a whole new way.

I say all of that to say this --- in this fallen world we live in, sometimes, social media and TV (at least in my little bubble) can be major distractions, and take me into this world that is so unfair, unrelenting, unbelievable (hello! Donald Trump is running for president...YIKES), unGodly, really plain ugly! As I have taken some steps out of it over the last several weeks I feel lighter and more joyful knowing (as I read this morning in my She Reads Truth study) that my Shepherd's GOT THIS! He's got this world, ME, my FAMILY, my FRIENDS! Psalms 23 -- which I have heard a billion times -- has a fresh, new meaning. All we have to do is enjoy the green pastures he provides, let Him gently lead and guide us with His rod and staff. Let them comfort me, not scare me.He takes me (daily) to the still waters of His Word (even when life gets crazy). I'm picturing the beach with calm waves lapping in the sand (cue the noise machine wave setting which FYI can be conjured up via an app on your phone). Enjoy His lovingkindness all the days of our life. I am learning His voice a little more each day and can tell when it is a thief or a stranger coming to try and steal it away. So thankful that He is helping me to discern that. My cup overflows with the blessings that He is giving me during this time of what I thought was sacrifice. Boy, was I wrong and I'm so glad He ALWAYS knows what I need! My Shepherd!

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